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Schengen travel insurance

Schengen travel insurance



Protect your international guests in the event of illness or accident anywhere in the Schengen Area. Schengen Travel Insurance helps to ensure that your visitors have a safe stay in Switzerland and the Schengen states.

The policy protects visitors from high costs incurred due to health problems, from the start to the end of their stay. Travellers who need a visa to enter the Schengen Area are required to take out an insurance policy with a sum insured of CHF 50‘000.-.


Useful information


  • Assumption of medical travel expenses up to CHF 50'000.-
  • Assumption of search and rescue costs up to CHF 5'000.-
  • Medical assistance
  • Assistance in the event of death

Insurance components

Single Person




Health care costs CHF 50'000.- CHF 50'000.-
Search and rescue costs CHF 5'000.- CHF 5'000.-
Medical assistance unlimited* unlimited*
Assistance in the event of death unlimited* unlimited*

4 days

17 days

31 days

62 days

92 days

185 days

CHF 47.–

CHF 145.–

CHF 238.–

CHF 400.–

CHF 531.–

CHF 1‘256.–

CHF 132.–

CHF 406.–

CHF 666.–

CHF 1‘120.–

CHF 1‘487.–

CHF 2‘828.–

* The sum insured is limited for some benefits.

  • Free delivery from CHF 50.-
  • Shipping within 24h
  • Purchase as a guest
  • Exclusive products & services